Bowling Green
Located at the bottom of Coinagehall Street behind the Humphry Millett Grylls Monument

The bowling green is reputed to have been the site of Helleston Castle which was erected by Edmund, earl of Cornwall between the years 1271-1300. It is likely that at that time the head of Loe Pool extended much further north than today.
The late Mr. Francis Cunnack once told W.F.Ivey that he could point out distinct traces of the sea washing the cliffside in the Lowertown Valley. It is recorded that in 1478 William of Worcester visited the town and found the Castle in an even more advanced state of decay, but that at the time traces were still to be found.
Leland had been commissioned by Henry VIII to complete a survey of the major towns and cities in the country, but so ancient was the Helston Castle and lacking any information, it was not possible to establish the exact style of the structure.
Helston Bowling Green began its history in 1760.
It has been asserted that the Helston club could well be the oldest in the country.

The following old photographs of the Bowling Green were very kindly donated to the Helston History website by
Mr DENIS WILLIAMS shortly before his death in November 2008.
Photos added 17th December 2008